Excel For Mac Find Special Characters

Use the Find and Replace features in Excel to search for something in your workbook, such as a particular number or text string. You can either locate the search item for reference, or you can replace it with something else. You can include wildcard characters such as question marks, tildes, and asterisks, or numbers in your search terms. FIND Formula in Excel The FIND formula is used to return the position of a substring or special character within a text string. The Formula for the FIND function is as follows: The first two arguments are mandatory, the last one is optional.

Unicode Consortium is a non-profit organization that focuses on standardizing the language inputs. There are many Unicode blocks for special symbols and characters that you can’t type using standard English keyboard layout. In this article, let us explain how to change the input method in Mac to Unicode Hex Input and insert the Unicode characters.

Windows Alt Code Vs Mac Option Code

In order to enable typing the special characters, Microsoft uses alt keys on the keyboard as a modifier. You can use the alt key and the decimal value of the Unicode character to insert symbols on your PC. Things are different on macOS. Apple keyboard has option keys (also called alt keys) which you can use to insert symbols. However, you need to use the Unicode hexadecimal values of the character which is not possible using standard input method. Therefore, you should add Unicode compatible input method to type the characters.


How to Change Unicode Hex Input Method in Mac?

Mac offers a Unicode Hex Input method to help users directlyusing the Unicode point value. Follow the below instructions to change thedefault keyboard input method.

  • Go to “Apple Menu > System Preferences…” andopen “Keyboard” preferences.
Excel find character code
  • You will see lot of options for customizing your keyboard settings.
  • Navigate to “Input Sources” tab and first ensure to enable “Show Input menu in menu bar” checkbox. This will add an icon on the top menu bar as we have shown above. You can easily toggle the input source from the top menu bar’s icon.

Excel For Mac Find Special Characters Using


Adding Unicode Hex Input Method

  • Click on the + button to add a new keyboardinput method.
  • You will see all the languages that Mac supportsin the next popup.
  • Scroll down to the bottom and click on “Others”option.
  • Select “Unicode Hex Input” and click on “Add”button.
  • Now you have successfully added Unicode inputmethod on your Mac.

Related:How to type accented letters in Mac?

Excel Find Character Code

Toggling Keyboard Input Method

The default English keyboard input in Mac is ABC. Check thetop menu bar on your Mac showing A icon nearer to the time. You can click onthe icon to see multiple options and change your preferred keyboard inputmethod.

Open your document where you want to insert Unicode symbols.Click on the “Input Menu” on the top bar and choose “Unicode Hex Input” option.Now the icon should show as U+.

Typing Unicode Symbols

Hold one of the option keys and type the Unicode hexadecimal values to insert symbols. For example, option + 2A37 will produce the double circle cross sign like .

Excel For Mac Find Special Characters

You can toggle the input method back to ABC after you typethe symbols. In most cases, you can continue with U+ input method as it shouldstill work for typing standard letters.

Excel For Mac Find Special Characters List

Limitations of Unicode Hex Input

Though it is easy to toggle the input method, it supportsonly four digit hex code value. However, Unicode has many 5 digits hex valueswhich you can’t insert using the Unicode Hex Inputs method.

Excel Special Character Code List

The solution is to press “Command + Control + Space” andopen Character Viewer. On the search bar, you can type to five digits hex codeto find the relevant character. For example, type 1F313 to find the firstquarter moon symbol like ?.

Remember, this will work on all Mac applications. However,Character Viewer will not work on other applications like Microsoft Word on Mac.