NIKON Microscope Combination Example The photo shows TMSS-200C-NA. Model number Supported microscopes TMSS-50C-OA OLYMPUS BH2 TMSS-50C-OB OLYMPUS BX40, BX41M-LED, BX51, BX51M, BX60, BX61 TMSS-50C-NA NIKON OPTIPHOTO 100S, Eclipse ME600.Models with -OA, -OB, or -NA at the end of the model number include an adapter to support use with microscopes. Nikon camera for image capture; Specifications: 5x, 10x, 50x objectives; 10x eyepiece.
Nikon Eclipse Me600 Manual Pdf
An optical microscope equipped with five objectives and Deltapix Invenio digital camera. The microscope can be used in differential interference contrast (DIC) imaging, which is an imaging method based on the contrast difference of the samples. With DIC it is possible to see details from optically transparent samples which are invisible in the ordinary microscope images.
- Optics: 5X/0.15, 10X/0.30, 20X/0.46, 50X/0.80, 100X/0.90
- Option for differential interference contrast (DIC) imaging
Nikon Eclipse Me600 Manual Pdf
Last updated: 8.1.2013