Torchlight 2 Cannon Engineer


The interaction of this world of fantasy tropes and rather advanced machinery fantastically extends to the gameplay too, and where most similar games would have all their players all fall into the typical knight-mage-rogue triad, Torchlight 2 offers up the ability to play as a duel-pistols gunslinger, or a power-armour toting, cannon-wielding. Hello there, I've got a Cannon Engineer in Torchlight 2 and am trying to figure out how to skill. I've slogged my way to level 35 with basically just Heavy Lifting and Coup de Grace and one point in Cannon Blast for killing stuff.


The Steam Marketplace is home to many, many, top-down hack-and-slashers, each often bearing different and unique interpretations to a concept which often closely follows a particular formula - and not all these isometric dungeon crawlers are made equal.

The core loop of fighting through ‘arenas’ of enemies, leveling up with enough experience, and building a set of skills to continue fighting more enemy hordes and the occasional boss is this genre’s bread and butter. Surely, most people considering purchasing Torchlight 2 will already be familiar with either other games in this vein, maybe even this series’ own first instalment, so the basics should come easily who starts playing. Character inventory windows, stats screens, spreadsheet-like attribute management, towns full of immobile vendors and individuals who are going to need you to kill X amount of Y monsters for no particular reason other than to balance the XP progression, all that basic stuff is here.

Where Torchlight 2 finds room to innovate is in bodywork of setting, art design, ambience, and immense diversity of gameplay styles that has been expertly crafted over the stock isometric game chassis.

The special world of the Torchlight franchise is the first thing you’ll notice after you boot the game up. It really manages to stand out from the other big names of the genre by avoiding the lifted-straight-from-real-mythology dryness of the likes of Titan Quest, while finding its own niche somewhere between the spectrum of Grim Dawn’s bleak grey hellscape and Fate’s baby-friendly green meadows. The art direction makes uses of a wide palette and a just-slightly-exaggerated style to create a widely diverse array of interesting locales from desert tombs, to fungi forests, to volcanic magma chamber garages and more.


The world this game puts you in is certainly interesting, and the plot - relatively simple and straightforward as it is - relates to the fact that this is a universe where literal magic, legendary creatures, and a underworld filled with angry, writhing, tentacles all exist, and are all merely commodities in a world more interested in their ongoing technological boom and “modernisation”.

The interaction of this world of fantasy tropes and rather advanced machinery fantastically extends to the gameplay too, and where most similar games would have all their players all fall into the typical knight-mage-rogue triad, Torchlight 2 offers up the ability to play as a duel-pistols gunslinger, or a power-armour toting, cannon-wielding, engineer alongside more ‘traditional’ class options.

Once you’ve got that main story out of the way, you’ve got a whole separate post-game dungeon system, New Game+, multiplayer support, and an extensive roster of Steam Achievements and Trading Cards to 100%. If you are looking for a great isometric “Diablo Clone”, this is easily one of the best on (or off) Steam. Above all everything about this game emphasises actual fun.


Extremely recommended.

Best Engineer Build? : Torchlight - Reddit


El Engineer es un poderoso luchador cuerpo a cuerpo que puede invocar bots que le curen a él y sus compañeros o bien que ataquen a los enemigos. Se le podría considerar el Paladín de Torchlight II.

Engineer Cannon Build Torchlight 2


Habilidades activas

Flame Hammer

-Nivel requerido: 2

Your weapon crushes foes it strikes, creating 4 flaming splinters that seek out enemies within 5 meters. If available, a Charge is consumed to generate two additional blasts.

Seismic Slam

-Nivel requerido: 7

Your mechanically assisted stomp stuns and burns all enemies in a 4 meter radius around you.

Ember Hammer

-Nivel requerido: 14

You deliver a powerfull sidelong swing which channels ember energy into a wide, 270 degree arc, destroying shields. Ember Hammer does not gain Charge.


-Nivel requerido: 21

You leap forward, slamming your melee weapon into the ground. Foes at the point of impact are damaged and slowed significantly. Onslaught gains half of normal Charge.

Ember Reach

-Nivel requerido: 28

A focused surge of energy draws a foe into striking range. You gain a 20% chance to stun for 3 seconds for every Charge you have, but the skill itself neither gains nor expend Charge.

Storm Burst

-Nivel requerido: 35

A blast from your pack rockets you swiftly forward, knocking back foes. 3 bolts of energy discharge from your suit on impact, striking remote enemies. Every enemy hit also recharges your mana by 5%, for up to 5 targets.


-Nivel requerido: 42

A huge overhand smash sends out 8 radiating magma fissures to seek and destroy your enemies.

Habilidades pasivas

Heavy Lifting

Your skill with giant weaponry allows you to attack faster and adds a chance to stun your foes.


-Nivel requerido: 7

When you hit foes with a melee weapon, you have a chance to direct excess energy into your weapon and then discharge it during attacks over the next 10 seconds. While supercharged you gain additional Charge.

Coup de Grace

-Nivel requerido: 14

When you hit a stunned target, an electrical surge helps finish the foe off. This ability cannot trigger more than one time per second.


Habilidades activas

Healing Bot

You deploy a small drone that generates energy pulses, healing both you and your allies.

Blast Cannon

-Nivel requerido: 7

You fire a long-range, piercing projectile from your cannon. At higher ranks, the blast leaves foes more susceptible to further fire and physical damage.

Spider Mines

-Nivel requerido: 14

You deploy a trio of spider drones that charge the nearest foes and explode in a 3 meter radius. Upgraded mines do 33% more damage, with a 5 meter radius and a 2 second stun.

Gun Bot

-Nivel requerido: 21

You deploy a small drone that assaults your enemies with a hail of gunfire, firing 5 rounds per second. Each rank increased the bot's damage potential.

Shock Grenade

-Nivel requerido: 28

You lob a grenade, which shocks and stuns enemies in a 4 meter radius. Consumes one Charge for two additional grenades.


-Nivel requerido: 35

You unleash a continuous barrage of long-range, homing rockets from your cannon. Bursts of 2 rockets keep firing as long as the mouse button is held down.


-Nivel requerido: 42

You construct a powerful Sledgebot to pulverize your foes.

Habilidades pasivas


Your expertise with armor lets you get the most out of it, increasing its effectiveness, and reducing any damage that actually gets through.

Fire and Spark

-Nivel requerido: 7

The spark to make things work... and fire to make things die.

Charge Domination

-Nivel requerido: 14

When you slay an enemy, you have a chance to absorb enough energy to fill your Charge bar. This abiity cannot trigger more often than once every three seconds.


Habilidades activas

Shield Bash

You smash enemies in front of you, stunning them, slowing their attacks and knocking them back. Damage is equal to 5 times your shield's Armor value. Each Charge you currently have provides an additional 10% damage bonus.


-Nivel requerido: 7

Your armor projects Ember energy, creating a forcefield around you, and a half-strength forcefield around allies. Once the forcefield absorbs its maximum damage it dissipates, removing all benefits. Forcefield uses all available Charges to increase damage absorbtion by 50% per Charge.


-Nivel requerido: 14

You overload your armor's circuits to project a nova of Ember energy, electrocuting up to 5 foes in a 6 meter radius around you. Overload uses all available Charges to increase its damage by 50% per Charge.

Dynamo Field

-Nivel requerido: 21

You tap into your armor's energy to project an electrical burst in a 5 meter radius. This electrical surge generates charge for each enemy that is struck, up to five per field.


-Nivel requerido: 28

Discharging the energy from your suit into the earth causes a massive shockwave to expand outward, knocking back and weakening foes within 24 meters. Tremor only does the listed damage when it uses one Charge.

Fire Bash

-Nivel requerido: 35

You channel a potent blast of energy through your shield up to 6 meters away. Damage is derived from your shield's Armor value. Initial physical damage is tripled and the blast range is increased to 9 meters with one Charge.

Immobilization Copter

-Nivel requerido: 42

You deploy an immobilization drone which slows enemies within range of its beam. A maximum of 3 targets may be affected at onece.

Habilidades pasivas

Sword and Board

-Requiere de un escudo y cualquier arma cuerpo a cuerpo.

Your skill with a shield goes beyond 'defense' and straight to 'offense', adding some of your shield's armor value directly to your melee attacks as physical damage.

Aegis of Fate

-Nivel requerido: 7

When foes attack you, your armor has a chance to generate a defensive 'bubble' around you that prevents further damage. The amount of damage this shield can absorb is equal to 200% of your Armor plus 100. While the Aegis is active, you also get 50% Knockback Resistance.

Charge Reconstitution

-Nivel requerido: 14

When you use Charge for skills, you regain some of your Health.