Opf File Extension Reader For Mac

The opf file extension is related to Open packaging Format. OPF is an XML-based e-book format created by E-Book Systems. Open Packaging Format (OPF) is one third of a triumvirate of modular specifications that make up the EPUB publication format. What is.opf file extension? FlipBook, such as a digital magazine or other publication that can be read with FlipViewer; saved in the OEB Package Format (OPF) which is formatted in XML; includes metadata that describes the content and a list of pages, images, and text referenced by the publication.Because OPF files are formatted in XML, they can be created and edited with a basic text editor. OPT file format description. Many people share.opt files without attaching instructions on how to use it. Yet it isn’t evident for everyone which program a.opt file can be edited, converted or printed with. On this page, we try to provide assistance for handling.opt files. In the following table, you can find a list of programs that can open files with.opf extension.This list is created by collecting extension information reported by users through the 'send report' option of FileTypesMan utility. The product name, description, and company name are taken from the version information of the.exe file.The 'Actions' list is taken from the context menu items added. OPF files are understood by most e-book reader devices and extensively used by e-book organizers/readers. Not to be confused with the above Open Packaging Format (OPF), the.opf extension was also associated with the Open eBook Package File (OPF) format.

Opf File Extension Reader For Mac

Rozszerzenia plików - litera O

Rozszerzenia plików - litera O

My Opf File

.oObject Format
.o01Typhoon Voice
.o2cObjects To See 3D
.o8dOCTGN Deck
.o8gOCTGN Game Definition
.o8oMediator 5 Repository Tabs Vorlagen.006
.o8sOCTGN Set
.oabMicrosoft Outlook Offline Address Book Format
.oadSuite Notaro Document
.oafMicrosoft Flight Simulator Texture
.oamAdobe Edge Overlay Format
.oapSamsung Bada Signed Installation Package
.oarOpenSimulator Archive Format
.oasMicrosoft Outlook Attachment Sniffer
.oatGoogle Android RunTime Code
.oavMicrosoft Flight Simulator Texture
.oawOpenArchitectureWare Workflow
.oazNetFax Manager OAZ Fax Image
.obIBM LinkWay Object
.ob!Orbit Downloader Incomplete Download Format
.ob3ABF Software Outlook Backup Backup
.ob5TopLang OE Backup
.obakWinSQL Offline Backup
.obbGoogle Android Opaque Binary Blob Format
.obdMicrosoft Office Binder Document Format
.obfOsmAnd Offline GPS Vector Maps
.obgZBrush Mesh
.obiMicrosoft Outlook 2007/2010/2013 RSS Subscription Format
.obj3D Object Format
.objxMetatools Object Bryce Support
.obkOrCAD Capture Design Or Library
.obmlOpera Mini Saved Web Page Format
.obml15Opera Mini 5.1 Saved Web Page
.obpBryce Object Format
.obpackObjectBar Theme Pack
.obrBorland C++ Object Browser Data
.obsWAsP Obstacle List
.obtOpenbox Theme Format
.obv3D Photo Browser Thumbnail Cache
.obwToontrack Superior Drummer Audio Format
.obxRational XDE
.obyxObyx Control
.obzCompressed 3D Object Format
.oc3OpenCanvas 3 Event Format
.oc4OpenCanvas 4 Event Format
.oc5OpenCanvas 5 Event Format
.oc9OrgCon Organization
.ocaCustom Control Library Type Format
.ocamlmakefileCaml Programming Language Makefile
.ocbOrigin Precompiled Origin C
.occOceanic DataPool Format
.ocdOCAD Digitized Map Format
.ocdcMathematica Document
.ocdfOneClickDigital Mp3 Audio Book
.oceOpen Catalog Extension Connection Format
.ocenEdGCM Data
.ocfOM2 Cipher
.ocgOsprey Custom Graph
.ociOpenCanvas Image Format
.ocmNetscape Communicator Aim
.ocpAdvanced Art Studio Image
.ocrFaxGrapper FAX Transcribed Text Format
.octRADIANCE Octree Format
.octestXcode Objective-C Unit Test Bundle
.ocvOCV Training Data
.ocxActiveX Control Format
.oc_Compressed ActiveX Control
.odMascotte Mascopt Request Format
.od1Omnis 5 Database
.od2Omnis 5 Database
.od3Omnis Studio Database
.od4-9Omnis5 Database
.odbArcView Object Database ASCII Format
.odcOpenOffice.org OpenDocument Format
.odccubefileOpenDocument 1
.odcnewfileMicrosoft Office Data Connection
.odctablefileMicrosoft Office
.odeMicrosoft Office
.odexGoogle Android Optimized Executalbe
.odfOpen Document Interchange Format (ODIF)
.odgOpenDocument Drawing Format
.odhMicrosoft Visual Studio Interface Definition Language
.odiOpenOffice.org Image Format
.odifOpen Document Interchange Format
.odlObject Description Language Format
.odmOpenOffice.org OpenDocument Global Text Document Format
.odoICUBE Online Operating System Write Document Format
.odpOpenOffice.org OpenDocument Presentation Format
.odsOpenDocument Spreadsheet Format
.odtODF Text Document Format
.odt#OpenOffice.org Locked Document
.odtpcOracle User Productivity Kit Presentation
.odttfMicrosoft Office Document Embedded Font
.odvOcean Data View Data
.odxMicrosoft BizTalk Server Diagram Format
.od_Oracle Compressed Driver
.oeaccaountWindows Mail
.oeaccountWindows Mail Account Settings Format
.oebOpen EBook Format
.oeclOpen EDA Component Library
.oefOptim Export
.oemOEM Install Data Format
.oemigaccountOutlook Express Temporary
.oetESignal Order Entry Ticket
.oexOpera Add-on Format
.ofaKodak OfotoNow
.ofbOxygen Forensic Suite Backup
.ofcOpen Financial Connectivity Format
.ofdObjectView Form Definition
.offDEC 3D Object File Format
.officeuiMicrosoft Office UI Customization
.oflOtsTurntables Playlist
.ofmAdobe PostScript Font Description Format
.ofnMS Office File New (Other Office Documents)
.ofpObjecteering Project
.ofrOptimFROG Encoded Audio
.ofsOptimFROG Dualstream
.oftMicrosoft Outlook Template Format
.ofxOpen Financial Exchange Format
.ogaOgg Vorbis Audio Profile Format
.ogdOracle Forms Graph
.ogfS.T.A.L.K.E.R. Model Format
.oggOgg Vorbis Audio Format
.oglATI Overlay Source Code
.ogmOgg Vorbis Media Format
.ogncDynamic Web Page Format
.ogoOrigin Graphic Object
.ogrOGR C++ Open Source Library
.ogsOrigin Script Format
.ogvOgg Vorbis Video Format
.ogwOriginLab Worksheet
.ogxOgg Vorbis Multiplex Profile
.ogzCube 2 Sauerbraten Map Format
.ohDrillAssistant List
.oh4Overhoor List
.ohpMS-DOS 7
.ohsBink Outbound History
.ohwOverhoor DrillAssistant List
.oifQuickBase Web-sharable Database Interchange
.oilOpen Image Library Format Image Format
.okmOkMap Map Defining
.okozoOkozo Desktop Animation
.okrPowerRecover One Key Recovery
.oktOktalyzer Music Module (MOD) Format
.olValve Hammer Object Layout
.olaOnline Access Format
.olbMicrosoft Office OLE Object Library Format
.olb2CanOpener Library
.oldBackup Plus Backup Format
.oleMicrosoft Object Linking And Embedding
.ole2Microsoft Office Binary Document Container Format
.olfOyezForms Legal Documents
.olkMicrosoft Outlook Address Book Format
.olk14categoryMicrosoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Category Format
.olk14contactMicrosoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Contact Format
.olk14dbheaderMicrosoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Database
.olk14eventOutlook Calendar Event Format
.olk14folderMicrosoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Folder
.olk14groupOutlook Group Format
.olk14mailaccountMicrosoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Mail Account Settings Format
.olk14messageMicrosoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Message Format
.olk14msgattachMicrosoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Message Attachment
.olk14msgsourceMicrosoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Message Source Format
.olk14noteOutlook Note Format
.olk14prefMicrosoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Preferences Format
.olk14recentMicrosoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Recent Address
.olk14ruleMicrosoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Rule
.olk14scheduleMicrosoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Schedule
.olk14searchMicrosoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Saved Search
.olk14signatureMicrosoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Signature Format
.olk14taskOutlook Task Format
.olk14uidMicrosoft Outlook 2011 For Mac UID
.ollTrialDirector Load
.olmMicrosoft Outlook For Mac Data Format
.olnMicrosoft Visual C++ Outline Examples
.olprojAdobe OnLocation
.olsMicrosoft Office List Shortcut
.oltOrbit Downloader Download List Format
.olvRoller Coaster Tycoon
.olyAFP Advanced Function Presentation Overlay Resource
.omaSony OpenMG Music Format
.omcOrigin Customized Menu
.omcsOffice Manager Access Format
.omdMapInfo Routing J Server Data
.omegMathematica For Mac
.omfOpen Media Framework Format
.omfiOpen Media Framework
.omgO&O DiskImage Backup Format
.omlTracePro Model
.omnOmnipotent Collection
.omoOMake Object Format
.omodOblivion Mod Manager Mod Format
.ompOffice Manager Pro Document Archive
.omrOMR Template
.omsOrder Maven
.omtSITH HLA Object Model Template
.omxOtsAV Media Library Information Format
.on2On2 Encoded FLV
.ondLotus Notes Format
.oneMicrosoft OneNote Document Format
.onecacheMicrosoft OneNote Cache
.onepkgMicrosoft OneNote Package Format
.onetmpMicrosoft OneNote Temporary
.onetocMicrosoft OneNote Table Of Contents
.onetoc2Microsoft OneNote Table Of Contents Format
.onmOutdoor Navigator Map
.ontTheWord Module Format
.ontxTheWord Encrypted Module Format
.onwOmron HMI NTST
.onxOnyxGrass Image
.oo3Omni Group Outliner 3 Format
.oogPyGraph Python Graphics Interface Object Oriented Graphics
.ooglGeomview Object Oriented Graphics Library
.ookArachne Batch Script Format
.oosOpenOffice.org Spreadsheet
.ootOpenOffice.org Text
.opESignal OptionsPlus
.op2Outpost 2 Saved Game
.op4Nastran Output
.opaFly! RAW Image Opacity Map
.opalMicrosoft Office Customization Tool (OCT) Language-specific Settings
.opaxMicrosoft Office Customization Tool (OCT) Standard Settings
.opbBryce Object
.opcMicrosoft Office 97 Upgrade Control
.opdDurango Interferometry Software Document Format
.opdownloadOpera Next Incomplete Download
.opefOmniPass Encrypted Folder
.openbsdOpenBSD Readme Format
.opfOpen Packaging Format
.opgOffline Plan Generation Package
.opiAdlib OCR Processing Information
.opjOrCAD Capture Project Format
.opkSinking Island/LIle Noyée Game
.oplcNokia Logo Format
.oplmOutline Processor Markup Language
.opmlOPML Outline Processor Markup Language File Format
.opnCourt Opinion
.oppcSpace Marine Game Resource Package
.opqEschalon: Book I Game
.oprOPRO X Browser
.opsMicrosoft Office Profile Settings Format
.optMySQL Database Data Format
.optionsSE-SOFT Configuration Format
.optsLinux Configuration Options Format
.opusOpus Audio Format
.opwOrgPlus For Windows Organization Chart
.opxMicrosoft Office Organization Chart File Format
.opxtOrpPlus Template
.opyOptiY Model
.op_GKSetup Support
.oqyMicrosoft Excel OLAP Query Format
.or2Lotus Organizer 2 Format
.or3IBM Lotus Organizer 97 Format
.or4Lotus Organizer Data Format
.or5IBM Lotus Organizer Format
.or6Lotus Organizer Data Format
.or8Rational Rose Oracle8 Database Model Report
.oraOracle Database Parameter Configuration Format
.orbOriginal EBook Reader Ebook
.orcCSound Orchestra Midi Format
.orderedtestMicrosoft Visual Studio Ordered Test Format
.oreOre Executable Format
.orfOlympus Digital Camera Raw Image Format
.orgLotus Organiser Format
.org2+Lotus Organizer
.oriOriginal Format
.origOriginal Format
.originalNetobjects Fusion Components Bbscomp Message
.original_epubEPUB Ebook Backup
.original_mobiMOBI Ebook Backup
.orkWarhammer Mark Of Chaos Game Archive
.orlObject-Relational Language
.ormdesignerORM Designer Project
.orsDSP Group TrueSpeech Audio Format
.ortCOREX Orthographic Transcriptions Format
.orvOracom Video Format
.orxRadiantOne Virtual Directory Server Database Schema
.orzHolic Game
.osObjectScript Source Format
.os2Os2 System
.os3OS/2 Warp 3
.osasApple Script Library Tani Script
.osaxFindFile OSAX Mac Format Type
.osbOpenStreetMap Binary Map Format
.osbxOneSafe Exported Backup
.oscRemote Installation Services Client Installation Wizard Format
.oscdTouchOSC Interface Editor Template
.osdOpen Software Description
.osdxMicrosoft Windows Search Connector Format
.osfDescent 3 Sound
.osgOSGJS JSON Input
.oskOsu! Skin Format
.oslOckamSoft Log
.osmOpenStreetMap Data Format
.ospOpenShot Project Format
.osrOsu! Game Replay Format
.ossMicrosoft Office Saved Search Format
.ostMicrosoft Outlook Inbox Off-line Folder Format
.osuOsu! Dialog Format
.oswONESWING Contents
.osxApple Mac OS PowerPC Executable Format
.oszOsu! Beatmap Format
.otTheWord Text Module Format
.otaOTA Bitmap Format
.otbNokia OTA Bitmap Format
.otcOpenDocument Chart Template Format
.otdOpenIV Texture Data
.otfOpenType Font File Format
.otgOpenOffice.org Graphics Document Template
.othOpenOffice.org OpenDocument HTML Text Template
.otiOpenDocument Image Template Format
.otlSuper NoteTab Template Format
.otlnOpal Outline Format
.otmMicrosoft Outlook Macro Format
.otpOpenOffice.org Presentation Template Format
.otrIRIX Complied FTR
.otrkeyOTRKEY Encoded Video Format
.otsOpenOffice.org OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template Format
.ottOpenOffice.org Text Document Template Format
.otvRotor-Disc OTV Kit OTV Calibration
.otxTheWord Encrypted Module Format
.otzOpenLP Theme Format
.outOutput Format
.outlineFontTwister Letter Outline
.outlook97Microsoft Outlook Custom Mail
.ovOpenInsight Database Overflow
.ov2TomTom Navigator Point Of Interest Format
.ovaOpen Virtual Machine Format
.ovdObjectVision Data
.oveOverture Music Score Format
.ovfOpen Virtualization Format Package
.ovgObjectVision Converted Graphic
.ovhOMSI Bus Settings
.ovlOverlay Format
.ovologOoVoo Log
.ovpThe Overlay Maker Package Format
.ovpnOpenVPN Config Format
.ovrOverlay Format
.ovsOvation 1 Style Sheet
.ovwLogic Pro Overview Format
.owFree Pascal For Windows Object Format
.owcOutWit Hub OutWit Catch Db Format
.owgOutWit Hub OutWit Gear Outwit Thesaurus Db Format
.owlOWL (Obfuscated Weird Language) Source Code Format
.owmOutWit Hub OutWit Mashup XML Format
.owrPeopleSoft Results Archive
.owsWeb Studio Project
.owtAncestry.com OneWorldTree
.oxOx Object-Oriented Matrix Programming Language
.oxdPS3 Proxy Server
.oxfIBM Rational Rhapsody
.oxoOx Object-Oriented Matrix Programming Language
.oxpsWindows 8 OpenXPS Document Format
.oxtOpenOffice.org Extension Help Format
.oxygeneOxygene Project Format
.oyxIBM Lotus Approach Alternate Database Index Format
.oyzLotus Approach Alternate DBASE Index
.ozOpera Job Management Compressed Format
.ozf2OziExplorer Map
.ozfx3OziExplorer Image
.ozjMu Online Graphic
.ozpOrgadata LogiKal
.oztMu Online Texture
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Opf file extension reader for mac os

What Is An Opf File

Rozszerzenia plików nie są standardowo wyświetlane dla użytkowników. Aby to zmienić, wejdź do Panelu sterowania, wybierz pozycję Wygląd i personalizacja a następnie Opcje folderów. W następnej kolejności wybierz kartę Widok i znajdź opcję 'Ukryj rozszerzenia znanych typów plików'. Opcję należy odznaczyć (wyczyścić) i zatwierdzić przyciskiem OK.